Upcoming Xbox One Games (2018): 2017 is nearly coming to an end, and it is that time of the year when we start looking forward to the next one for the next big game releases. Although the 2017 treasury is nowhere near being dry, there is a big enough roster to look forward to for next year, leading us to compile our list of the most anticipated Xbox One games of 2018. While some of the titles we are looking forward to most eagerly have been announced and are well on the way, others are yet to be made official. Thankfully, however, these belong to the realm of such franchises that push out yearly releases, which means that FIFA 19, NBA 2k19, and WWE 2K19, are all going to be released in 2018. These apart, there are others that promise to satisfy every taste for action, RPG, and fantasy adventure lovers. And while we will begin with a humble selection (in terms of numbers, certainly not excitement), more will be added to this upcoming Xbox one games 2018 roster. So if you wish to stay in the loop, be sure to bookmark this page for future updates. For now, let us proceed.
Upcoming Games For Xbox One 2018
2018 is already looking promising with Microsoft having announced a host of new titles. The mixed bag consisted of games slated for both 2017 and beyond, and it is the latter kind that we are interested in for now. The prospects of Xbox One games for 2018 looks even brighter when we consider it in the context of the Xbox One X, the company’s brand new console, which is about to make true 4K gaming a reality. So we can definitely expect all of the titles below to arrive in X versions as well. Note that this list is not restricted to Xbox-exclusive titles, but all games that will release in an Xbox version. Also, the release dates for all of the following are not known yet, but the respective sections will be updated as more news comes in.
NBA 2K19
2K‘s prized money spinner has little competition in its league, and this year’s NBA 2K18 has upped the ante to a whole new level. The animation is better than ever before, and the AI is brilliant- something that the creators made sure to advertise well in advance of the game’s release. And while video games can go terribly wrong because of the slightest mistakes, the NBA 2K18 gameplay was spot on with realistic moves both on and off the court. We can rest assured that NBA 2K19 is going to be even better, and have already started wondering what could make it an improvement over its predecessor. Only time will tell what the NBA 2K19 gameplay will be, but any fan can tell that a major engine overhaul is needed to draw more power and address those almost imperceptible glitches. We don’t expect next year’s game to be announced anytime soon, but past trends suggest that you may be able to get your hands on it sometime in September 2018. To speak of the possible platforms, the new game might give Xbox 360 a miss and go straight for the Xbox One and Xbox One X. Besides these, expect it to launch for the PC, PS4, and Nintendo Switch as well.
NBA 2K19 At A Glance
Status: Unannounced
Release Date: September 2018 (tentative)
Platforms: Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Windows PC
Crackdown 3
The Xbox One X’s launch title was supposed to be one of the biggest things of gamers this year, but due to reasons unavoidable, the upcoming action-adventure title has been pushed back to an uncertain date in the future. The Crackdown 3 release date has been a frustrating thing to follow, and it keeps getting worse. Having been in development since 2014, its November 7, 2017, launch schedule was moved to an unspecified Spring 2018 date, but that window has been left debatable as well. We imagine that the promised fully destructible online multiplayer has proved to be the real challenge here, as we haven’t been shown much of it. However, none of these indeterminacies has been enough to deter fans, for whatever we have seen of the Crackdown 3 gameplay has bowled fans over. The game has been hailed as the ultimate sandbox experience by those who have had the opportunity to go hands-on with it. For series regulars, Crackdown 3 packs in all the nostalgic elements while at the same time shaking things up to make them more interesting. Also, it is coming in with a brand new AI progression system to make sure you get your fill of bosses as you aim for the Kingpin. Besides the Xbox One, Crackdown 3 2ill also release for the PC.
Crackdown 3 At A Glance
Status: Official, Delayed
Release Date: 2018
Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox One X, Windows PC
EA’s successful football simulation game is one of the oldest of its kind, and although it has a fair amount of competition from Konami’s Pros Evolution Soccer, the licensing scales are tipped in favor of FIFA. EA has been no stones unturned in the last couple of years in ensuring that they stay well ahead of their primary rival, but Konami is playing catch up. FIFA 18 and PES 18 both have seen excellent fan response, but for now, the ball is in EA’s court. Both FIFA 17 and FIFA 18 have been received as the sim game of a football fan’s dreams, and we can only hope that the winning streak will intensify with FIFA 19 next year. Like NBA 2K19, the FIFA 19 release date and gameplay details are still up in the air, and it is way too early to begin speculating the possible new features. However, one can anticipate the new game to be officially announced during the first half of 2018, with the launch taking place sometime in late September. There are a lot of things to look forward to before the game’s release though, thanks to EA’s exclusive showings, the private beta, and of course, the FIFA 19 demo, which will let fans preview a portion of the game a couple of weeks ahead of its release. We wonder if we will get to see the creators make some serious headway in the women’s leagues, with more customization and new teams. Expect FIFA 19 to launch on Xbox One, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.
FIFA 19 At A Glance
Status: Unannounced
Release Date: September 2018 (tentative)
Platforms: Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Windows PC
State Of Decay 2
2017 started with a bang with RE7: Biohazard tackling a personal story of loss amidst hordes of the undead; and with Call of Duty: WW2‘s Zombie Mode with its twisted spin on the origin of undead soldiers approaching soon, the demand for zombie apocalypse titles isn’t coming to a close. Undead Labs‘ upcoming sequel to 2013’s State Of Decay was originally planned to be a 2017 release, but it was announced during Microsoft’s E3 briefing that the game has been rescheduled for launch during the early part of 2018. While a solid date has not been provided yet, we know that this one is going to be a Microsoft exclusive, with the launch remaining limited to the Windows PC and Xbox One. From what we have seen so far, State Of Decay 2, one of our most awaited upcoming Xbox One games, is going to be a massive adventure. One of the most exciting revelations at a fairly early stage was that the game was being built with not one or two, but three huge maps, each the size of the first game’s map. According to the developers, players are going to need a different strategic approach depending on the differing layouts and environments of each map, imparting a feeling of traveling through towns, all of them affected by the apocalypse. Other factors like better graphics and the inclusion of multiplayer will make a sweet deal for fans of the first game and newbies alike.
State Of Decay 2 At A Glance
Status: Official, Delayed
Release Date: First half of 2018
Platforms: Xbox One, Windows PC
WWE 2K19
Take-Two Interactive‘s professional wrestling simulation game gave a sore miss to the seventh generation platforms like the Xbox 360 and PS3. While that is sure to have shrunk WWE 2K18‘s player base, 2K did make up for it by introducing a Nintendo Switch version. It has not been long since WWE 2K18 came out, but the beauty of being a follower of such a franchise is that there is always the promise of a brand new game next year to look forward to. So while we don’t really know anything about the gameplay or release details of WWE 2K19, we definitely know that it is coming out sometime in 2018. And if all goes according to schedule, you will see it launch for the Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows PC during October 2018. Although with the kind of lukewarm reception the recently released entry has invited, the creators have much to do. Perhaps it was about time that they realized that removing some of the biggest fan favorite features on a long-term basis and not addressing the glitches in gameplay isn’t the way to fans’ hearts? On the positive side, there’s a whole year’s worth of waiting to do in order to get our hands on WWE 2K19, and we really hope that this time is utilized in the best ways possible. The graphics overhaul was a good start, but major factors like AI and certain game modes need some serious looking after. And while we are at it, WWE 2K19 should really bring back the GM Mode.
WWE 2K19 At A Glance
Status: Unannounced
Release Date: September 2018 (tentative)
Platforms: Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Windows PC
In Conclusion
This list of Xbox One Games 2018 will be expanded upon with time as new entries and new information about the existing titles come to the fore. Rest assured that 2018 will be a great year for gamers, and the list of confirmed titles is already quite satisfying. And with the Xbox One X coming up, those with a soft spot for Microsoft’s platforms can expect the company to go all out to bring in the biggest titles to the platform, including some very tantalizing exclusives. Watch this space for more.
The post Upcoming Games Of 2018 on Xbox One You Must Not Miss appeared first on Gaming Phobia: The Gamers Den.